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Intermittent Sleep & Rediscovering Learning

The Island of Gorée, in Senegal

Several times this week sleep evaded me. And I stared into the darkness. I’ve been struggling to sleep lately and I’m unsure if it’s because of the change in season or my body is trying to tell me something. This has been happening for the past couple of weeks and hopefully I’ll be able to find some good sleep rhythms into the fall.

I took up learning C# and DotNet since I feel fairly competent and comfortable with Angular/TS to the point where I wasn’t feeling like I was growing or being pushed into a challenge (at work). There’s something about trying to push my own boundaries at the workplace where it seems as if I have to be the one who redefine my own and other’s understanding of what I can do. People know I can do A but I want to do A and B so I have to build a level of confidence in doing the new thing that I am learning. And I feel myself at times wanting to go back that well-defined understanding of my role (focussing on the UI) — because it is familiar and comfortable. However, I am allowing myself to change and grow.

So far I have had to do these learnings in my own time and at my own pace and the more I push into this new foray, the more I remind myself that I need to pay attention to how I am learning, and what I am learning about myself and others. No one will hold my hand (per say) and I find myself having to curve out my own space in the workplace.

Learnings over September 🕵🏾‍♂️

Improving List Rendering Performance using Angular Material CDK Virtual Scrolling

Angular Material CDK provides an api for rendering large lists that improves performance when an application has to render many items on a list. We had a situation where we loaded some data and rendering this with the traditional ngFor directive would lead to slow performance and in some cases the entire browser would not respond. I used Virtual Scrolling from Material CDK this to improve an application’s responsiveness and performance drastically.

Auxilliary Routes in Angular

I was doing some research on if Angular can handle multiple routers for example, in the case where you have a dialog that you would like to route but have the dialog’s routing be independent from the primary application router. This is possible through named routes in Angular. I might do a more in-depth post on this to explore the use cases and drawbacks.