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Organizing Codebases with Automation Tools

Birmingham Museums Trust

Tools Mentioned in this guide


Husky is used to make our commits more cool, and powerful to help development easier. In this guide, husky will be used to format both the files (source code) and commits themselves before they are executed (thus "pre" in the pre-commit hooks).

Read more here.

  • Initialize Husky:

    # install husky
    npm install -D husky
    # initialize
    npx husky-init

Prettier & EsLint

If we would like to have our commits automatically format our code on every commit - to ensure that the codebase follows a specified standard, defined in the prettierrc file, then this is a handy tool to have.

  1. Add Prettier and eslint to your project:

    # prettier
    npm install -D prettier
    # eslint
    npm install -D eslint
  2. Add a prettier config file to the repository - named .prettierrc.json (or following the specified format for configuration files:

      "trailingComma": "all",
      "tabWidth": 4,
      "semi": false,
      "singleQuote": true
      //more rules below
  3. Initialize EsLint:

    npx eslint --init
  4. Set up ESLint to work with prettier

    Add prettier plugin to the eslint configuration file:

    // .eslintrc.json
      "extends": [
        // other extensions,

    Now, you can specify prettier rules to work with your linter and not have both ESLint and Prettier enforcing different styles

  5. Add Prettier Pre-commit Hook:

    npm install -D pretty-quick
    npx husky set ./husky/pre-commit "npx pretty-quick --staged"

There are more ways to configure your prettier pre-commit hooks found here.

CommitLint & CommitLint Hooks

Commitlint is a tool that lints commits - and make sure they are up to standard. We will also add a husky pre-commit hook that lints our commit messages

  1. Install Commitlint

    npm install -D @commitlint/config-conventional @commitlint/cli
    # Configure commitlint to use conventional config
    echo "module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']}" > commitlint.config.js
  2. . Add the commitlint hooks:

    # Add hook
    npx husky add .husky/commit-msg 'npx --no -- commitlint --edit "$1"'
  3. Add a husky pre-commit hook config to the package.json

    "husky": {
      "hooks": {
        "prepare-commit-msg": "exec < /dev/tty && git cz --hook || true"


Commitizen is a command line interface tool that can be helpful in making commits a pretty-forward process following your linting rules.

  1. Install the tool

    npm install -D commitizen
  2. Add a script to the package.json to easily run commitizen:

        "scripts": {
          "commit": "cz"

    An Example use:


Conventional Changelog

This will assist in generating changelogs automatically from commits:

  1. Initialize:
    npx commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog -D --save-exac

Versioning and Release

We can use Standard Version to automatically generate versions for out projects.

  1. Install Standard Version

    npm install -D standard-version
  2. Add scripts to easily run releases and generate changelogs automaticallly:

      "scripts": {
        "release": "standard-version"

    Another option to Standard version is semantic-release

You can now run your first release by:

npm run release

Plug: Here is an example of a changelog for my website.

If you create a release - then you can push that release by running:

git push --follow-tags

Update (25th Feb 2022)

I ended up writing a simple npm package to automate setting this whole process up for new projects You can find the package here.

References & Resources



Other Useful Links